
Monday, September 12, 2011

Quoting my Son-in-Law

"It was  hard to settle on anything because of the volume."  

Last night we had an iChat (computer-video-type conversation) with our grandson and his parents.  They had just got home from celebrating grandson's birthday at a well-known pizza restaurant that is popular with young children.  We had a pre-arranged time for this conversation, but our daughter called to say they had not left the restaurant yet and she hoped we could do the call soon.

About an hour later we got to see our happy and excited little boy, telling us about the birthday gifts he had received, thanking us for what we had given to him, and then asking if he could now talk to his other grandparents.  (smile)

He ran off to play and we got just a few minutes with his parents.  That was when our son-in-law made the telling comment about the volume (noise!) in the restaurant.  Communication was difficult; plans were hard to carry out.  Beloved and I had to smile because as older adults we of course are well aware of that atmosphere, having been a part of that scene when our children were that age.  Now our adult children were coming to the same realization.  

This morning while reading my Bible I was enjoying the peace and quiet of our home.  The message God had for me in His Word came through easily today.  Some days it's harder to grasp.  I thought about my son-in-law's statement last night.  

The volume of life easily crowds out those things we really need to hear, those things we need to understand, those things we need to do or change.  Reverence for God is often hard to do because of all the clamoring of people and calendars that would pull us away from what is really important.

We need to be pro-active in finding that quiet place EVERY DAY to read God's Word and talk with Him.  The enemy of our souls will do all he can to thwart this, but we must make time with God a priority.  To do so makes a huge difference in the direction our lives take.

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